Naluwan! Taiwanese Aboriginal Pop Music – Revitalizing Mother-Tongue

很榮幸的達拉斯台灣同鄉會有這個機會,邀請畢業於 University of North Texas 專攻民族音樂學的陳孟陽先生來跟大家分享台灣原住民流行音樂,希望藉由探討原住民在台灣的歷史,分享原住民歌手及音樂,喚起對原住民文化的重視及傳承。
- 日期:2021年5月15日(星期六),美中時間:7:00 – 9:00 PM
- 時間:美中時間晚上七點到九點 7:00-9:00pm CST
- 視訊連結:
- 主題:那魯灣!台灣原住民流行歌 – 喚醒母語 / Naluwan! Taiwanese Aboriginal Pop Music – Revitalizing Mother-Tongue
- 主辦單位:TAA-DFW 達拉斯台灣同鄉會
- 演講人:陳孟陽先生
- Bio: Yang Chen is a recent graduate from University of North Texas with a Master’s degree in Ethnomusicology. His research interest is in Taiwanese Aboriginal pop music, specifically how ideologies such as ancestral spirits inform identity and self-determination for Taiwanese Aborigines. He seeks to use music and song as a means to promote Taiwanese Aboriginal culture to people outside of Taiwan.